The VM award ceremony is over and Desires is now touring round the UK indie cinemas playing before the main feature just like in the old days! Full list is as below:
Newark Reel, 1 - 5th
St Annes Pleasure Island Cin, 6 - 9th
Ilfracombe Embassy, 10 - 12th
Wellington Wellesley, 13th
Grantham Paragon, 14 - 15th
Birmingham Quinton Reel, 16 - 19th
Plymouth Reel, 1 - 3rd
Bury St Edmunds, 4 - 5th
Ambleside Zeffirellis, 1 - 5th
Barnsley Parkway, 6 - 7th
Richmond Yorks The Station, 8 -9th
Boston West End Savoy, 10 - 14th
Bridlington Forum, 15 - 17th
Fakenham Hollywood, 18-21st
Sheffield Showroom, 1-4th
Elgin Playhouse, 5 -6th
Louth Playhouse, 7 - 9th
Dunoon Studio A, 10 -11th
Greenock Waterfront Cinema, 12 - 15th
Galashiels Pavilion, 16 - 19th
Hammersmith Riverside, 1st
Kendal Brewery Arts Centre, 2 -4th
Kidderminster Warehouse, 5 -8th
Mile End Genesis, 9 - 13th
Portobello Electric, 14th
Crewe Reel, 15 - 19th
St Ives Royal Cinema, 1 -3rd
Uckfield Picture House, 4 -6th
Wolverhampton Lighthouse, 7 - 8th
Liverpool Picture House, 9 -12th
Perth Playhouse, 13 -19th
Redruth Regal, 1 - 4th
Tiverton Tivoli, 5th
Torquay Central Cinema, 6 - 9th
Helston Flora, 10 - 11th
Okehampton Carlton Cinema, 12 - 13th
Penzance Savoy, 14 - 16th
East Dereham Hollywood, 17 - 19th
Notting Hill The Gate Cinema, 1st
Aberdeen Belmont, 2 - 4th
Bath Little Theatre, 5 - 6th
Brighton Premier Picture House, 7th
Brixton Ritzy, 8 - 12th
Cambridge Arts Picture House, 13 - 15th
Clapham Picture House, 16 - 19th
Edinburgh Cameo, 1 - 3rd
Exeter Picture House, 4 - 5th
Greenwich Picturehouse, 6 - 10th
Henley Regal Picturehouse, 11 - 13th
Loughborough Curzon, 14 - 19th
Chippenham Astoria, 1 - 2nd
Oxford Phoenix Picture House, 3 - 4th
Southampton Harbour Lights, 5 - 6th
Stratford Picture House, 7 - 10th
Stratford Upn Avon Pic House, 11 - 12th
York City Screen, 13 - 15th
Borehamwood Reel, 16 - 19th
Great Yarmouth Hollywood, 1 - 5th
Ipswich Hollywood, 6 - 7th
Lowestoft Hollywood, 8 - 11th
Andover Reel, 12 - 15th
Norwich Cinema City, 16 - 18th
Ilkeston Scala, 19th
Bridgenorth Majestic, 1 - 3rd
Cleethorpes Meridian Parkway, 4 - 12th
Hull Reel, 13 -19th
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