One Minute volume 4 tours on, this time at the National Museum of Contemporary Art in Bucharest, Romania 7th Nov as part of the Kinofest the international digital film festival. Details here
Wish You Rocked My World, last years animated music video for Hungry Audio's Mia Vigar will be screening at the 30th Amiens International Film Festival 12 - 20th November. Details here:
I flew out with other UK filmmakers The Astburys for the premiere of our new commissioned works 'Dear Foreigner' and 'Cara Mama', at the Festival D'elle Lettere in Milan. Based on two winning letters of last years festival, the adaptations were well received and it was a very special weekend and festival indeed. The extract of the English version narrated by Cerrie Burnell can be viewed here: It combines a montage of found footage, drawn and 2D digital animation
'Girls Guide to Muso Boyfriends' shows for the second time in Russia this year at the LINOLEUM festival in Moscow 28 - 31st October. Details here